Thursday, November 12, 2009

Digital Cloud

For today's prompt, I want you to take the phrase "If only (blank)," replace the blank with a word or phrase, make that the title of your poem, and then, write your poem. Example titles might be "If only we remembered our umbrellas," "If only the train came on time," or "If only, if only." The possibilities are endless.

If only we could be represented by data
("otherwise we shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth").

In the news today - the digital cloud being built above London:
- on it to be projected ever-updating data and stirring images,
showing in real-time, as if we live in something else,
inquiries about the Olympics, to gauge and prove our spirit,
the ascension of the cumulative, digital being

no need for a tower of Babel
just the clouds that surround
the hub-bub that, lifted and captured,
evidenced in evidence,
will rain down as some kind of perfect truth
on the athlete below who, at his most arrived result of practice,
at the perfect peak of his gathered strengths,
focusing on the execution of one
exceptional movement of muscle and mind
still can only throw the javelin
some dumb distance
into the earth.

We will know right away how we feel about him.


Beilezebub said...

I liked your imagery in this. But it made me realize how stupid the olympics are. they are stupid because they aren't football. oh, yeah, i'm high on my team snapping its four game losing streak. the world is suddenly a better place. and a better place for me has no olympics.

Laura Hohlwein said...

well, okay.

Beilezebub said...

hahahaha, i like how you know when to argue and when to just listen and let me rant. thank you!