Sunday, November 8, 2009

For today's prompt, I want you to take the phrase "Should (blank)," replace the blank with a word or phrase, make that the title of your poem, and write your poem. Examples could be "Should I Buy This Outfit," "Should You Leave Before I Buy This Outfit," or "Should This Outfit Be in the Title? You Don't Even Know What This Outfit Looks Like Anyway." The Clash even wrote a song to this prompt (okay, they didn't write a song to this prompt, but their song fits this prompt) called, "Should I Stay or Should I Go?"

Should You Tremble at My Door

Should you see my quiet house
and step up to my door

Should you close your vapor hand
and try to form an timid fist

Should you stand there like a child
and want to vanish further still

Do not drop your arm - transparent
but knock, as if the wind.
Or more don't knock, come in, come in.

Please don't ask permission
should you see my quiet house.

Please don't wait
to guess a judgment in my gaze
or, dear, unsure,
don't tremble at my door.


Beilezebub said...

Not including the prompt, I'd like to know what prompted that poem. It was moving, to say the least, but it was obviously haunting too. I do believe the cosmos heard it too.

Laura Hohlwein said...

maybe just a sense that no one was at my door. i'm not sure, really. i never really am. a phrase leaps up and off it goes. I just try to follow and help it turn some corners without wiping out.

of course, this is about 'the usual'. here my psyche's concern that maybe 'the ghost' is stuck in time, where healing words hadn't been spoken and is scared and ashamed and unaware of unconditional love an forgiveness.
I hated to think of such separation or fear/hesitation for her and it made me bawl my head off.

I don't know where or why these things bubble up. I had a happy, happy lovely day. But grief is i a long, L O N G, road with, what appears to be, a life of its own. No other experience I've ever had comes close. Maybe having kids would be similar.

thanks so much for your reading. (and patience - if that is the right word) with my ongoing working through this.

This November poetry thing is meant to generate a chapbook - a small collection. I might be better off then, trying to focus on one topic. I don't know. Anyway, if it is all more of the same... bear with me.

i remain so appreciative that you even bother to read this non-blog.

ps. why up so early??

Beilezebub said...

I woke up early from a dream in which I had a flat tire on my bike. a bunch of people were waiting for me to ride and my only solution was to fill the tube with water. I filled that sucker until it puffed up good and tight. I couldn't go back to sleep due to relief I guess. And you don't have to thank me for reading. The pleasure is mine, even if I don't feel clever enough to comment sometimes.

Laura Hohlwein said...

..sounds like one of those 'you should really get up and pee-pee' dreams.