Thursday, November 12, 2009

For today's prompt, I want you to write a construction poem. When you think of construction, you may think of cranes and bulldozers and safety goggles, but there are many other forms of construction--both big and small (and not all are by humans).

My Home

I will be living in an abandoned, unfinished construction -
building it out, started as his
(he, who has always been the nicest)

There are no walls - just a floor
and that needs to be pulled up
or at least sanded for days but the wood planks
are thick - though warped to follow the curve of the hill
the house seems to be almost
slipping on
- is this okay?
- a curved foundation?

but the wood could be beautiful
if sanded for days
the damaged skin - exposure
and abandon - lifted as sawdust

it will be nice to be helped

palm trees have grown up through the knots in places
and play with the electrical wires overhead
a wet wind strews the platform with fronds,
soaks my skin
and slats of rain begin to make the floor shine

he will live nearby
in his own place
- also under construction -
and will check on me from time to time.

perhaps it is not too late
to build a shelter.
the foundation could be beautiful
if sanded for days
then sealed and shined and called 'a start.'

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