Tuesday, November 19, 2013

13 selfhelp poem

For today’s prompt, write a self-help poem. It can be written in the style of a self-help article or book. Or you can take it in a more subtle self-help direction.
Gonna hafta knock these out.  Well, okay.

If I wrote this poem about me
it would be about trying to figure out
what to do, how hard it is, when you have
more or less
to know what to try to figure out

when the soft pillow can prompt questions
of meaning, meaninglessness,
of contribution, failure to contribute,
when the rain can lonely measure
some possible better use
of the night.

Instead, I try to see her
having not stopped hoping but stopped looking
actually looking under planks and tossed fronds
, bent signs for her second child.

No one is coming
No one is returning.

The sea is flat and there are no clouds.
The water flaps at the shore.
I can't see her face.
She is busy.  She must help herself now.
Her every move is important.
And how she thinks, matters.

We have nothing in common.

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