Tuesday, November 19, 2013

17 - element of sleep

For today’s prompt, write an element poem. Maybe an element from the periodic table (hydrogen, oxygen, etc.). Maybe an element of surprise?!? Or a missing element, which could refer to a person, tool, or poem. Run wild with it.

The Element of Sleep

I came up with this title
whenever it was I awoke
and however I did I thought
that sleep is only knowable
in the return from sleep
in the reconstruction of the self
using wanweed and the cry of an egret

and from this and fabric
the touch of fabric

you put together your entire

and when you stand on your feet
cold, little,
and separate the blinds
and see no one there
not one soul stirring
you know you are back

because the sidewalk is wet
and it is real and for awhile
you, yourself, were not.
or you were
and now you are not.

but the tree is there
and that means a lot
and everything
- all of it -
is okay.

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