Tuesday, November 19, 2013

16 - Half Way

For today’s prompt, write a half-way poem. The poem might deal with a half-way point in time. Or perhaps, a place in the dead center of here and there–in a physical sense. Even a compromise on terms in a negotiation can work.

Halfway in catching up?

Carrying on....

Half Way

I wonder if I was right
- too drunk to be swimming, testing irony there - 
when, in a river in Vermont, in the middle of summer, in the middle of the night I knew
I was RIGHT in the middle of my life.  The exact moment.  That exact pass of water.

I sank under, testing
would my iron heart would sink me

- why did it not? - 
my chest filled with the lead of her name
my veins circulated, barely, black-thickened wine
my despair was a rock, weighty and wet
that was to be my name, alone until the end.

What did I want?  To be at the end
and not in the middle?

I felt for sure the star above - I could see it from under the surface -
 was the star
I should see RIGHT in the exact middle of my life

and to prove it
I didn't drown too.

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