Tuesday, April 4, 2017

PAD 4 - Beginning

  • Write a beginning poem. And, of course, when something begins, it often signals something else ending. Soooo, the other prompt is to…
  • Write an ending poem. Poem about something ending.

What one begins anew often
is this thing of being one's self

Waking up to say
Today - I won't obfuscate

I won't shuffle, delay
As if one could BE

better.  In the beginning
you feel different,

the master of the sounds you hear, the trainer
of your pacing thoughts.

Perhaps it is possible
to change, by simply

attending, intending, 
watching the whole room

beginning again
now with will

and a small flourish
- snapping a whip 

so you will rise up
and  - in the present now - yourself 

your actual self

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